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We Have Re-Located

After celebrating 20 long and successful years in this old office, we have decided to move locations. The only thing that will change will be the long wait time. You will no longer need to come into the office, all that you will have to do is either fax, email, or snap a picture of all your information and send it to us on your phone. Technology has allowed us to save you time and make it as easy as possible for you by going viral.

We would like to thank all of your for your continued support and customer loyalty. Over the years we have grown as a business and as a family. Oak Tree Services would not have been able to do it without your support and most importantly your referrals.

We are excited for next year’s tax season because we know that we will be able to offer you a faster, more accurate, and more convenient service. We look forward to doing business with all of you next year!!!!

Without a doubt this year's (2013) tax season has been one of the more difficult in recent memory.

It was made difficult in part because of the passage of recent Health Care legislation, and largely, because this forced the Internal Revenue Service to reconfigure its computers so as to accommodate new changes in tax law.

This in turn led directly to a late start in the tax season and instead of the usual kick off of the season on or around the 20th or 25th of January, this year’s tax season did not start until January 30, 2013. For many tax payers, those extra days were sheer hell as bills remained unpaid, and many were threatened with eviction!

As a tax service however, we have not seen this type of uncertainty and insecurity in our clients since 2003 when Jacquelyn Carbajal saved us (as a business) by calling each and every one of our clients and explaining the reasons why IRS had delayed printing of the checks! It was pandemonium that year, and we thank her for efforts on our behalf!

For the future, we intend to continue with our efforts to relentlessly improve our service, while training the next generation to take over the reins of leadership and management. I thank all those of you who have expressed admiration and praise for my children, Melissa, Alex and Andrew. Melissa, has been especially outstanding, and deserves a special word of praise!

But as we look to the future, we must continue to be vigilant! Bad guys have targeted our office as a place to bring fraudulent documents to file fraudulent tax returns. We know who these people are (we call them the Mickey Mouse Gang!) and have stopped four of them so far. We have alerted the IRS to the activities of these fraudsters.

Tax season is over for now, but a new season will soon be upon us! Do not hesitate to contact us immediately with any questions or problems you may have. Our phone numbers, fax, and email remain the same as it has always been. And soon we will add SKYPE!!

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